2021-04 Food Cellar New Floor
As the seasons changed, so the was a massive difference between the start and the end of April. April started with ongoing snow and frozen ground, but by the end, all the snow in the garden was gone and the ground was soft and diggable.I had a winter project to finish, which was the laying […]
2021-03 Food Cellar and Foxes
In March the days were getting brighter and we were coming out of our first Swedish Winter. I was completing a lot of work inthe basement. The days were still dark but we got to see foxes, and to go out exploring on snowshoes. Foxes We got to see lots of foxes in the field. […]
2021-02 Oil Tank Removal
Late January and early February had been significantly cold with routine temperatures of -20C which was a first for us. We had never seen a winter this cold before moving to Sweden. The lowest we recorded this first year was -24C on the outside temperature sensor for the heating system. Basement Side Doors There was […]
2021-01 First Deep Snow and Start of Winter Projects
January was when our first experience of deep snow came. It was still during the covid pandemic, and we didn’t yet have lots of outdoor clothing or equipment so we concentrated on the house. Snow Clearing To receive post and deliveries we had to keep the driveway clear. If you don’t clear it the snow […]
2020-12 Brexit Re-Application
In our first December, we didn’t have a lot of clothing or equipment to enjoy the conditions outside, so focused indoors on house repair tasks and emigration-related tasks. Due to the UK exit from the EU, we had to re-apply to stay in Sweden. There are some specific terms that apply but I will keep […]
2020-11 Neighbour House Fire
One morning I woke up and I looked out the window to see smoke and visible flames. It was coming from the location of a nearby house, about 150m meters away. It was hard to make out due to the trees between us but it looked nothing like a bonfire or something that should be […]
2020-10 Driving Licence, Gravel, and Mice
I made sure to exchange my UK driving licence for a Swedish one before Brexit. If I didn’t, I might have to retake the entire test, which would be expensive. The exchange took a long time but after 3 months of silence, I got notified to stop asking. The transport agency said they had posted […]
2020-09 Building a Wood Store
We had been living in our new home in Sweden for about three months, after emigrating from a city in the UK. I was worried about what the house would be like in winter because we had no experience with the heating system or a Swedish winter. I wasn’t familiar with the local shops and […]
2020-08 Our First Real Bed in Sweden!
This month we were still setting up for the first time in Sweden and slowly making the empty house into a home. Bed Order One of our first concerns to sort was the lack of a bed. The house had been over our budget and so we could not take the previous owner up on […]
2020-07 First Month in Sweden
June was our first month in Sweden and summer was in full swing. Our first day in Sweden was also the day we got to see the property for the first time in person. We stayed overnight at the airport hotel and picked up the hire car. I was worried about making any mistakes whilst […]
2020-06 Emigrating to Sweden from the UK
We were able to emigrate to Sweden from the UK in July 2020 after roughly eight months of planning. It would be normal to do more preparation but the world was going crazy, both with COVID and Brexit. We would only qualify for the Non-EU emigration routes into Sweden, post-Brexit. This would be much more […]