Home / 2022 / 2022-05 (May) 30
May is all action - the snow has melted and the ground is no longer frozen so it is time to get as much done as possible.
- Repairing the woodwork
- ventilation system
- Before
- Trial Run
- Creating the shelf arms
- Making an upright
- Clear coating
- First attempt
- everything is wonky
- Neater
- Wood storage shelving in place
- Over the hill to the next region
- Wood Planes!
- Plants being prepared
- Prepping the vegetable beds
- Adding soil to the flower beds
- Finally sorted out a car
- IMG 20220505 184839 9
- IMG 20220506 230114 0
- IMG 20220507 215210 1
- IMG 20220514 131722 4
- IMG 20220514 151257 0
- IMG 20220514 151302 0
- IMG 20220514 153902 6
- IMG 20220520 090619 6
- IMG 20220528 190843 7
- IMG 20220529 111353 2
- IMG 1414
- IMG 1415
- IMG 1416