2022-07 Swedish Summertime

I was working full time with evenings requiring looking after the garden, so a bit less got progressed compared to other months of this year.

Greenhouse Digging Work

At the end of this month, an excavator came and dug out the foundation for the greenhouse. This saved me so much work. In hindsight I should have kept the topsoil but paid for the removal of the clay subservice material. The clay was useless for growing plants.

Summer Swimming

There are so many lakes. The trick is to know which ones to go to at what time of year. The one below was amazing but it is a big lake so stayed cold all year compared to the smaller one near our home.


In this photo, the row on the left was grown in the soil without any compost and planted about a month earlier. The plants in the centre and right were grown with compost and ended up so much taller. Our own compost heaps should start producing soon which will help a lot.

Garden Centres

Now that we had a car and no immediate emergencies, we went exploring garden centres. We got to see what bushes and trees were available.

Visit the Neighbours

Axe throwing is a sport. You can use single axes (like a hatchet) or double-headed axes. In the photo below my neighbour is throwing a double-headed axe. Behind him is an ancient timber building with dovetailed ends.

Wood Delivery

I got a wood delivery which I was hoping to use this winter. It took a lot of work to get the wood around the house into the basement. I’d like to get the small loading door put back in place so material can be loaded straight from the delivery in driveway and through the door into the basement. The hole where one previously existed is visible on the wall of the photo below. Presently the hole is filled with rockwool on the inside and the outside is metal siding.

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